Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Now I see another example of the bureaucrats who follow the letter of the law and don’t dare consider the spirit of the law or common sense. There is a young man who came to this country with his step granddad when he was eight years old. Step dad never completed the paper work and went back to Germany. The kid is now in high school and when he went in to the immigration to get his ID or something he was thrown into jail where he is today. He asked if he could finish the 2 credits he needs to graduate with his class and the judge won’t even give him bond. We have thousands of illegal immigrants in this country, many of them migrant workers, who receive benefits such as public education and medical services. This kid is not a criminal and not a threat but this is how we treat him. President Bush just granted citizenship to a Canadian so she could skate in the Olympics for the US. What hypocrisy. I am ashamed at this and would like to apologize as well as kick some bureaucrat ass. Perhaps if I kicked their butts till they could wear them as a collar around their necks the stench would help them see themselves. Nah, they only care about following the rules so they can get promoted or something.


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