A Dream
Psychological problems are like infectious diseases, spread by contact. In seeking to find ways of helping society break patterns of behavior this can be sometimes addressed. For instance victims of molestation at an early age often become predators themselves and if you could trace it back I am sure we would find a line of contacts going hundreds of years. This was always a closely held secret in society. By early identification and intervention we can cut off branches from this infectious tree therefore saving an unknown yet fantastic number of future victims.
For me this time I spend on the earth is but a short speck, a piece of dust like that we see floating in our rooms only I am floating in this vast universe we live in where it takes light millions of years to get here. So how then can I make an impact on the world? How can I give my life and experiences value?
You would think this to be a hard question to answer yet the answer is amazingly simple.
So the answer is - I can by affecting the life of one person change the lives of future generations. The power and duration of this change will be of varying degree just like the ripples in a pond. The bigger the rock the farther it goes. The saddest thing to me is for one to live a long life but not really make any ripples at all. No real notice of our existence. All of us leave marks wherever we go, some good some bad. I certainly seem to have made some large ripples on both sides but now I want to make waves.
Hence The Dream.
Do you want to do something powerful and good. I will need a lot of help to achieve my goals and the more that join in and become a part of it the more powerful of a change we will create. I believe that there are many want to change the world like I do and they just need to see a clear path to get involved. That brings me back to publicity. If a fervor can be generated with many branches of society involved, ranging from law enforcement, mental health, unions, trades such as construction, and most importantly politicians.