Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More war

The Co-Author of Muslim Mafia Answers CAIR

Dear Bob,

Yesterday we emailed you Rep. Sue Myrick’s op-ed response to CAIR’s counterattack. We know many of you forwarded this to others as it began popping up on blogs across the internet!

Today’s email contains a FrontPage Magazine interview with Dave Gaubatz (see below), co-author of the new blockbuster book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.

In many prior emails we have pointed out the common propaganda strategy employed by Islamists of attempting to “demonize” those who level factual critiques against radical Islam. That’s why one of Gaubatz’s responses jumped out at us:

Instead of addressing the numerous factual pieces of intelligence showing their support of the Islamic terrorist ideology, they [CAIR] do exactly as their ‘internal documents’ indicate. They begin intimidation, extortion, blackmail, and other related threats to silence their critics.

We are grateful for the courage of Rep. Sue Myrick; the Representatives who joined her at the press conference last week calling for an investigation of CAIR (Rep. John Shadegg, Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Paul Broun); Chris Gaubatz (who infiltrated CAIR); and the co-authors of Muslim Mafia, Dave Gaubatz and Paul Sperry.

Kelly Cook was asked by one of our chapter leaders yesterday why we push so hard to build a bigger and bigger organization. Here’s one reason — strength in numbers. The bigger we are, the stronger our voice, and the harder it will be for Islamists to succeed in their efforts to destroy those who speak out against their evil ideology.

CAIR Exposed – by Jamie Glazov
Posted By Jamie Glazov On October 21, 2009 @ 12:11 am In FrontPage

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing [1]. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. [2] He can be contacted at [3].

FP: Dave Gaubatz, congrats on your book Muslim Mafia. The book is causing quite a bit of controversy. Tell us what the book is about in general and what is now going on.

Gaubatz: Thank you Jamie.

First I would like to thank everyone involved in the extensive research to make the book possible, the co-author Paul Sperry, and WND. I believe the book speaks for itself, showing CAIR Executives involvement in terrorist ties.
You ran a great review by Daniel Pipes of the book the other day here [4].

Naturally and fully expected, CAIR is on the defensive. Instead of addressing the numerous factual pieces of intelligence showing their support of the Islamic terrorist ideology, they do exactly as their ‘internal documents’ indicate. They begin intimidation, extortion, blackmail, and other related threats to silence their critics. These tactics have always worked for them for 15 years. Unfortunately for them they have finally met someone who knows how they play their game. I am not boasting but I was trained by the elite Federal Agency of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and we are tenfold better at protecting national security than they are at supporting terrorism against America.

FP: CAIR is not hiding their displeasure with you. Do you feel physically threatened?

Gaubatz: I did not hide from terrorists in Iraq and there will never be a day I will hide in America from terrorists or their supporters. The day when Americans begin hiding from terrorists is the day we have lost our country and our children’s future.

I have always conducted my research in a legal and professional manner and the truth will always prevail. Maybe I am ‘old fashioned’ but I love my country and while others are intimidated by CAIR and their supporters, I am not. Americans need to be proud of our country and keep in mind many of the CAIR Executives and their supporters are not even U.S. citizens, and many of the ones who are do not (according to their own documents) pledge allegiance to America. Simply residing here does not give anyone the right to advocate the destruction of America.

FP: Let’s talk about some of the charges that CAIR is making against you. CAIR is accusing you of being an “Islamophobe.”

Gaubatz: I owe my life to Muslims from Iraq who risked their lives for me and many Americans in 2003. The family of Mohammed Rehaief (Iraqi lawyer who rescued Private Jessica Lynch in Nasiriyah, Iraq) are examples of Muslims who truly represent the Islamic people. They saved my life on several occasions and I had the opportunity to rescue their family from Al Qaeda who had threatened their lives.

Further I have always advised all children are innocent and I (like many American troops) would have given my life for them in Iraq. During many of my lectures I have informed people they should not fear the Islamic people, but have every right to be an ‘Islamic Scholar Phobe.’

There are numerous Islamic scholars in America who have openly called for the destruction of America and Israel. There are many Imams who openly distribute violent material in their mosques and Islamic Centers and they are allowed by many ‘liberal’ elected officials to do so. Somehow they believe calling for the death of innocent men, women, and children are covered under the First Amendment to our Constitution. I disagree as do millions of Americans.

FP: CAIR has advised that you have stated President Obama is Muslim.

Gaubatz: Everyone should always keep in mind CAIR leaders are taught to ‘twist’ words and statements of their targets (reference the CAIR document titled ‘hit list’ in the Muslim Mafia book). I have talked with hundreds of Islamic leaders and reviewed the materials in their mosques. A common Islamic belief is that ‘ALL’ humans are born Muslim and it is the fault of negligent parents who turn them into Jews and Christians.

Readers can ask Yusef Estes who is a prominent Islamic leader and frequent guest of Dar al Hijrah, Falls Church, VA. Estes was the primary witness to my ‘pseudo’ conversion to Islam a couple of years ago at Dar al Hijrah. Estes immediately informed me Muslims do not use the term converting to Islam. He advised people ‘revert’ back to Islam and explained the reasoning as I described above. Readers should know by now if I say something it can be verified. In this case I have an audio recording of my pseudo ‘conversion’ to Islam and my discussion with Estes at Dar Al Hijrah.

FP: CAIR has advised that you and your researchers illegally obtained the documents from their National office.

Gaubatz: CAIR’s Nihad Awad, Hooper and Saylor may have forgotten many of their conversations they had with several of my researchers. I can easily remind them in court with video and audio footage. The CAIR leaders were going to destroy documents related to criminal and national security interests. The materials were being shredded and ‘wiped’ clean from their computers. Unlike former ‘Enron’ employees I would never allow intelligence related to the destruction of our country to be destroyed by terrorist supporters. Anyone who would should question their own loyalty to our country and our children. I highly encourage investigative reporters to conduct an extensive review of why the CAIR Virginia and CAIR Maryland offices closed.

FP: Do you have plans on conducting further first-hand research and can you clarify when the researchers finished their research within CAIR?

Gaubatz: I have never stopped conducting first-hand research on Islamic terrorist groups operating in America. As long as our children’s futures are in jeopardy I will continue.

FP: Any recommendations for our elected officials and law enforcement?

Gaubatz: America has the best law enforcement in the world. The ‘street level’ officers want to protect America and do their jobs, but unfortunately many of their Directors have become ‘stooges’ for CAIR. I recommend the Directors of these brave officers either do their jobs or get jobs being ‘lackeys’ for CAIR or ISNA. America needs leadership not ‘lackeys.’

Pertaining to our elected officials. They need to decide if they support an American who served his country for 23.5 years, risked his life in Iraq for people of all races, religions and cultures, served his Presidents both Republican and Democratic, held our nations highest security clearances, and has evidence to verify anything I have ever written or said. Or they can support organizations that advocate the destruction of our country and the futures of our children. I give my utmost thanks to our elected officials who are supporting my research. They are America’s true heroes.

FP: Any words for CAIR or their supporters?

Gaubatz: I have always said I look forward to the day when CAIR Executives or any of their supporters and I can put everything on the table in a court of law (U.S., not Sharia). CAIR is afraid of the truth and will fold before this ever happens. The Executives should get with their attorneys, let their egos not play into their decisions, and reveal to them their complete involvement in their support of terrorist groups, their blackmail and intimidation tactics of small and large U.S. companies, of people, and the negative statements they have made toward ‘one another’ to my researchers. I have no problem reminding them.

Readers should keep up with WND, FPM, and my blog at [5]. Videos, documents and more are forthcoming.

FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining us.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

War of the world

Here's the latest on the "War of the world", that would be Islam's plan to take over and kill or subjugate us all.

Rep. Sue Myrick op-ed:

Last week, I held a press conference on Capitol Hill attended by three of my colleagues in the House of Representatives to call for a federal investigation (s) into a non-profit group called the Council on American Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.)

Here are the facts:

1. CAIR has documented ties to the terrorist organization HAMAS. This is stated fact by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In an April 28, 2009 letter to US Senator Jon Kyl, the FBI wrote the following:
“As you know, CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in the United States v. Holy Land Foundation et al. (Cr. No. 3:04-240-P (N.D.TX.). During that trial, evidence was introduced that demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders (including its current President Emeritus and its Executive Director) and the Palestinian Committee. Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestinian Committee and HAMAS, which was designated a terrorist organization in 1995. In light of that evidence, the FBI suspended all formal contacts between CAIR and the FBI.”

In case you are not familiar with the Holy Land trial referenced above, it was a Dallas, Texas trial that ended with guilty verdicts on 108 counts of funneling money ($12 million) to HAMAS.

2. The purpose of our press conference was to make public an internal CAIR memo that documented CAIR's stated goal of placing CAIR interns in the offices of members of Congress, especially the members who serve on the Homeland Security, Judiciary and Intelligence Committees. Let me be clear here, CAIR, a group whom the FBI says is affiliated with the terrorist group HAMAS, is trying to place their interns in the offices of those members who serve on the three committees that handle national security related issues. National Security is the first responsibility of the federal government.

3. Following our press conference, CAIR, immediately labeled we four members as bigots and started their public relations campaign to discredit us by claiming that we were against Muslims working on Capitol Hill. We never said that. At no time during our press conference did we even insinuate that we were investigating Muslims being interns on Capitol Hill. Go to and watch the press conference yourself.

Our focus was and is on CAIR and CAIR alone, not Muslims.

Likewise CAIR tried to make this a Republican vs. Democrat thing, because the four members at the press conference happened to be Republican.

How then does CAIR explain Democrat Senator Charles Schumer’s call earlier this year for a government-wide ban on CAIR in the federal government due to their ties to HAMAS? Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer has likewise made public her opinions of CAIR and any Google search will find her remarks.

4. CAIR is spending time, money and energy to position themselves as the spokespeople for the moderate Muslim community. Problem is CAIR is not a moderate Muslim organization. It is a radical front group for HAMAS. So who is CAIR competing with for this designation? The real moderate Muslim groups/individuals in America. Groups and individuals like the following who are committed to countering Islamist extremism:

Dr. Hedieh Mirahmadi – President World Organization for Resource Development and Education (WORDE)
Zeyno Baran – Director for the Center for Eurasian Policy at the Hudson Institute
Farid Ghadry – President of the Reform Party of Syria
Manda Zand Ervin – Founder and director of the Alliance of Iranian Women
Omran Salman – Arab Reformists Project, 'Aafaq (Arabic for “horizons”).
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser – American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Karim Bromund – Director of Inter-Religious Affairs for the Islamic Supreme Council of America

I SUPPORT the Muslim individuals and groups mentioned above. These groups renounce terrorists and their radical ideology. They are trying their hardest to be heard and recognized in America, but are being overshadowed and out-funded by CAIR. Today, when something happens that impacts the Muslim community, the media calls CAIR (an unindicted co-conspirator to terrorism and a HAMAS front group) for comment on behalf of American Muslims. What an insult the media is performing on the Muslim community. Instead they should be calling Muslim groups/individuals like those named above. This is part of the reason we are focusing our attention on CAIR and exposing them for who they are. For one they pose a threat to our national security, and two, they deny the ability of legitimate Muslim groups to gain credibility.

5. In July of this year I held a summit on Capitol Hill where I introduced the leaders of eight moderate Muslim organizations to the heads of several US Agencies, Members of Congress and congressional staff. For example, they met with representatives from the State Department, USAID, Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. How can I be against Muslims working on Capitol Hill and hold such an event? Go to and read for yourself about this summit.

See through the lies and realize what is really going on here.

We are trying to expose a HAMAS Front Group (CAIR) for who they are, and they are crying we are anti-Muslim hoping that media outlets will ignore the terrorist claim and instead pick it up as a race/religion story. When those claims don’t work, they claim it’s a Republican political thing.

Americans, on this subject we need to stop the Republican vs. Democrat, Conservative vs. Liberal, Christian vs. Muslim division and unite on one simple point…. CAIR is a front group for HAMAS. It was named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in a terrorism case that lead to 108 convictions of funneling $12 million to HAMAS. Because of the evidence produced in that case, the FBI severed all ties with them. This same CAIR, by their own admission, is trying to place people inside the offices of members of Congress who deal with national security issues (judiciary, homeland security and intelligence committees). I serve on one of those committees, Intelligence, am the co-chairwoman of the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus, and have spent the better part of the last four years working every day on terrorism related issues.

If we Americans fail to set aside our political, religious and ideological differences and unite when we encounter the enemy in such stark and plain terms, then God help us.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Islam moves forward infiltrating us

WND Exclusive
FBI agent says bureau muzzling him
Counter-terror investigator claims Muslim allowed to hinder probes
Posted: March 06, 2003
8:00 pm Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2009

An FBI counter-terrorism agent claims he is being silenced by his agency to cover up its mishandling of a pre-Sept. 11 probe into alleged supporters of Osama bin Laden.

Chicago-based Special Agent Robert Wright received a rejection letter yesterday from the head of the FBI's public affairs office in response to his request to disclose details of his charges. One of Wright's claims is that the FBI allowed a Muslim agent to hinder an investigation due to religious loyalties and sensitivities, reflecting a pattern of conduct by the agency that has harmed the nation's security.

Wright said he also discovered later that this same agent hindered a probe of University of South Florida professor Sami al-Arian, who was arrested last month on terror-related charges.

WorldNetDaily obtained a copy of the letter from FBI public affairs chief Michael P. Kortan, which argues that the information Wright wants to make public includes sensitive and classified material related to pending cases.

"That's nonsense," Wright's attorney David Schippers told WorldNetDaily. "Everything Bob's got is public. He's got it documented with public sources."

Wright claims his investigation in 1999 of Yassin Qadi – later named by the government as a key financial backer of al-Qaida – ran into a roadblock when Special Agent Gamal Abdel-Hafiz refused to wear a wire to record a meeting with a Muslim businessman connected to Qadi.

According to Wright, Abdel-Hafiz stated in his defense, "A Muslim does not record another Muslim."

Wright says Qadi, a wealthy Saudi businessman, helped fund the 1998 al-Qaida bombings of two American embassies in Africa.

Two stories

The FBI claimed in a statement last December that Abdel-Hafiz objected to the wire because the meeting was to have taken place in a mosque, though the agency now says only that the Muslim agent's supervisors were responsible for the decision.

Schippers claims that the FBI changed its story because it "found out everybody involved was ready to testify."

FBI spokesman Ed Cogswell insists that the initial statement was a misunderstanding.

"It may have been an area sensitive to [Muslims], but it wasn't technically a mosque," Cogswell told WorldNetDaily. "My understanding was that it was a convention facility, and they were to meet in the area reserved for prayer."

But Schippers insists the FBI essentially has made Wright out to be a liar and contends that the agency gives the appearance it has something to hide.

"If there is nothing there, fine, make it open, lay it out; or lay it out to a grand jury," Schippers said. "But don't hide it and tell everybody who knows about it that they can't say anything."

The FBI's Cogswell maintains, "We're not hiding anything."

"The decision as to whether he should wear the wire was made by managers in consulation with the Chicago office, not by the agent," he said.

In its December statement, the FBI said Abdel-Hafiz has been working since February 2001 in Riyadh, handling liaison with authorities in Saudi Arabia and Gulf states, and "has met all FBI performance and security standards."

No place to turn

In his letter, Kortan noted that the federal whistleblower statute allows FBI employees to disclose sensitive information to the attorney general, FBI director, deputy FBI director and the Office of Professional Responsibility.

Schippers said Wright filed a formal complaint with the inspector general of the Justice Department in October 2001, shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, but was told he should take his case to Congress.

"When I asked them why they weren't going to do it, they told me that it was because they didn't have the facilities to conduct such an investigation," said Schippers, who headed the U.S. House of Representatives' 1998 impeachment inquiry of President Bill Clinton.

'This whole thing is insanity," Schippers said. "There is some reason the FBI doesn't want Bob to talk."

Schippers is working in conjunction with the legal watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Washington to allow Wright to publish a manuscript entitled "Fatal Betrayals of the Intelligence Mission." The document is Wright's assessment of the FBI's anti-terror failures and his ideas about how to restructure the agency.

"It's well-documented that their incompetence, recklessness and neglect contributed significantly to 9-11, and that's what [Wright's case] is all about," Judicial Watch chairman and general counsel Larry Klayman told WND. "It's also quite clear that they have not cleaned their act up since 9-11."

Klayman says that Wright's complaints have resulted in a demotion to "paper pusher" and "chief dishwasher" in the Chicago field office.

Wright's version

Wright gave his version of events in an affidavit filed in a civil rights lawsuit Abdel-Hafiz brought against him, which claimed discrimination on the basis of national origin and religion.

Wright said that while working with the international terrorist squad at the Chicago office in 1999, he learned that Qadi – who had become the subject of an investigation – had asked Abdel-Hafiz to meet for a discussion about the probe. Qadi's connection with Abdel-Hafiz came about through the businessman's accountant, who was a personal friend of the Muslim agent.

The U.S. Attorney's office agreed that it would be valuable for Abdel-Hafez to wear a wire to record the meeting, but the Muslim agent objected.

In a telephone conference that included Wright, a fellow FBI special agent, three U.S. attorneys and the Dallas office supervisor, Abdel-Hafiz explained why he would not wear the wire or meet in a specially equipped room, according to Wright.

Abdel-Hafiz first said he feared for his safety, the affidavit said.

When told that the FBI would give protection, Abdel-Hafiz said he did not trust the agency to protect him, according to Wright.

After a U.S. attorney continued to press for an answer, Abdel-Hafiz stated: "A Muslim does not record another Muslim."

Wright said that after the discussion, which was ended by Abdel-Hafiz's Dallas supervisor, he telephoned FBI headquarters in Washington and spoke with Acting Unit Chief Christopher Hamilton, who "told me I would have to understand" the Muslim agent's "perspective."

According to Wright, the U.S. attorneys documented the events, believing the case would be re-visited.

Wright later learned that an agent in Florida had a similar experience with Abdel-Hafiz, who refused to record a Muslim in his investigation. Schippers said that probe involved the Florida professor, Al-Arian.

Schippers says Wright continues to try to get his story out, but "at every step they refuse to let him talk."

"He's going to have to take his job in his hands to assert his First Amendment rights," Schippers said.

Another FBI whistleblower has warned of the bureau's purported counter-terror shortcomings.

Veteran agent Colleen Rowley sent a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller last week, warning that the bureau is not prepared to deal with new terrorist strikes that could result from a U.S. war with Iraq.

Rowley, a 22-year veteran of the bureau's Minneapolis field office, said that Mueller had a responsibility to warn the White House that the bureau would not be able to "stem the flood of terrorism that will likely head our way in the wake of an attack on Iraq."