Thursday, September 10, 2009

Will Dad die before we talk?

My father holding me

9/10/09 Thursday
I got a letter from my sister last night. Dad has pneumonia, this time in the other lung from the one he had it in last time. Really not good. He is already incredibly weak and has been bedridden for some time now from the last bout with pneumonia and then the chemotherapy on top of it. It is hard. Here we finally are breaking down the wall, hopefully restoring the relationship between a father and son, and the possibility exists he may die before this can happen. So pray. You know I am praying.

There’s not much else important to me right now. We’ve had lots of rain and there is more on the way so that should help clean the soil. I might put some seeds out, I might not. Weeds I’ll chop for sure. Today I must run to Midland and drop off some stuff to the Texas Veteran’s guy for our dispute with the VA. There was something else I need to do while in town but can’t remember right now. Oh yeah, I must get canned dog food that I can mix Rascal’s medicine in.

I’ve been thinking on things of God a lot lately. Reading the old testament about the history of Israel and their constant need to separate themselves from the evils that surrounded them. How they would let the habits and practices of the people around them creep in and become a part of their lives. This would always lead to a separation from God and to destruction. There are some really not pretty pictures there.

So I will work and meditate today. Think on these things as I chop down weeds.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Corruption, Anger, Cancer, Death

I’ve been researching Dr. Burzynski, who’s breakthrough cancer treatments have been severely squashed by our very corrupt FDA. I heard about him on GLC’s housecall program featuring Dr. Scott. Because my father is dying of brain cancer and that the chemotherapy is so devastating I latched on to their mention of this treatment. What an incredible story I found of the greed and heartlessness of the mega corporations who make billions in the treatment of cancers, and have placed their people in key positions of the government. Thus they have literally sent children to their death by denying, no forbidding under penalty of the law, them treatment from Dr. Burzynski. Folks, this is OUR country, the FDA and other government agencies ostensibly work for us. Obama and congress say they are fixing health care but choose to be blithely unaware of these activities by those who are immune from criminal prosecution. God this makes me mad as I learn of these things. Please check this out and if you can make it as public as you can. It is through publicity and our voice/vote that these things can be changed. When you shine a light and expose darkness the rats run for cover. Here’s Dr. Burznski’s site
Here’s just one of the many testimonies of this issue.
I encourage you to look into this as deep as you can, especially if you know someone battling cancer.
We need to take our country back, we need to demand our congress, who work for us, whom we elect, do our bidding instead of the bidding of the big money corporations whose desire for profit, and power, is such that they willingly and knowingly choose for us little people, and our children, to die when they could give life. We need to stop being sheep led by the nose to death as we are shorn of everything we have.
Here's more links
This one is a heartbreaking one involving the death of a two year old

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Here's a link to a veteran's website. He's a survivor of TBI as well as severe chronic pain from the injuries received in Iraq or Afghanistan. Can't remember at the moment despite having just read it. Anyway go to it to inspired.