Monday, June 28, 2010

Jihad Denial, A nation buries it's head in the sand

Actually, our heads are being buried in the sand by this Obama led administration. What is Obama's goal? He is leading this country to ruin purposefully and with intelligent design. I believe he is a Muslim in disguise, who's agenda matches that of Islam.

Jihad Denial Syndrome

By Guy Rodgers, executive director of ACT! for America
June 24, 2010 | See no jihad. Hear no jihad. Speak no jihad.

This sums up the Obama administration's national security assessment regarding our ongoing conflict with global Islamic jihad. Unfortunately for us, it seems they have come down with a severe case of Jihad Denial Syndrome (JDS).

Americans were tipped off to this when the Pentagon released its report on the Fort Hood jihadist attack. The mountains of evidence, including Nidal Hasan screaming "Allahu Akbar" as he fired away, indisputably revealed that Hasan was motivated by the ideology of jihad.

Yet the body of the Pentagon report achieves the remarkable feat of avoiding a single mention of "radical Islam," "jihad" or any similar reference.

The recent National Security Strategy document affirmed that what happened in the Ft. Hood report was no accident or oversight. Stripped from the document were all references to radical Islam as a factor in the increasing number of terrorist attacks attempted against the United States.

Then came Attorney General Eric Holder's tongue-tied response to U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith's simple question about the recent spate of terrorist incidents asking if Holder "believe[d] these individuals might have been incited to take the actions they did because of radical Islam?"

As if affirming the obvious might instantly turn him into a leper, Holder couldn't bring himself to acknowledge that radical Islam might have ever been a part of the motivation behind these attacks.

When pressed, he referred to Anwar al-Awlaki's views as a "version of Islam that is not consistent with it..."

On June 4, Todd Rosenblum, deputy undersecretary for the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis, made a similar argument at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

According to a report in Congressional Quarterly, he "...defended the Obama administration's decision to avoid using terms such as `jihadist' or `Islamist' to describe the enemy in the war on terrorism, saying such descriptions legitimize the rhetoric of criminals and extremists while denigrating true Islam."

This echoed what Obama counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan said in a recent speech: "Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists."

There can be no doubt: The Obama administration has made it official policy to silence any reference to "jihad," "radical Islam" or any related term by officials in its justice, defense, intelligence and counterterrorism branches.

This goes beyond political correctness. This is Jihad Denial Syndrome, an obsessive denial of reality that will encourage more terrorism and put America at greater risk.

It is also the height of hubris.

What the Obama administration is asserting is that it understands the doctrines of historic political Islam better than the leading Islamic clerics in the world today; better than the Islamic scholars who developed the sharia law within the five Islamic schools of jurisprudence; and better than the Prophet Muhammed, whose years of engaging in jihad to purge or conquer non-Muslims is an indisputable historical fact.

If this approach actually worked, we would be seeing a decline in Islamic terror plots against the United States. Yet the very opposite is true. There has been a significant ramping up of Islamist terrorist activity since Barack Obama became president.

This is not a blip but a quantifiable trend. There is no evidence that the Obama administration's Jihad Denial Syndrome has made America any safer. There is also no evidence that the existence of JDS within the Obama administration has marginalized those they call "extremists," minimized their numbers or won us any increased approval in the Muslim world.

President Obama and his national security leadership have bought into a false narrative promoted by organizations and leaders with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). Dozens of such individuals have been placed in his administration, including Dalia Mogahed, a top Mideast adviser to Obama who made the astounding assertion last October that most women in the world associate sharia law with "gender justice."

The false narrative being peddled to the Obama administration includes redefining "jihad" as merely a "personal struggle against sin," which denies the historical and doctrinal centrality of violent jihad to political Islam and as a means to advance sharia law.

This narrative is integral to the disinformation campaign emanating from Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is this: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

During the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, at which organizations including CAIR and ISNA were named as unindicted co-conspirators, the Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Goal for North America was entered into evidence.

It states in part: "The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging their miserable house..."

What better way to sabotage a nation from within than to dupe its leadership regarding the true nature of, and motivation for, the threat that is arrayed against it?

The results of this administration's arrogance and foolishness speak for themselves.

Guy Rodgers is the executive director of ACT! for America, the nation's largest national security grassroots organization dedicated to combating the threat of radical Islam.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

How our soldiers are being drugged to death

This tells of how our war veterans are being drugged to death by VA doctors who would rather dope our soldiers up than take the time to do their job right. To say it's an outrage is an understatement but it's downplayed and hidden, covered up as so many things are. Plus it's a safe bet that the drug companies, who make billions selling these drugs and have a well developed habit of hiding their problems and lying to the public, are influencing this cover up.

Dying In Their Sleep: The Invisible Plague Attacking U.S. Soldiers

Cilla McCain
Author, Murder in Baker Company
Posted: June 23, 2010 05:42 PM


Corporal Andrew White USMC

While doing research for the book Murder In Baker Company, I came to know many military family members from the support group "Home of the Brave*." The group's goal is to help one another gain information and justice in the noncombat related deaths of their loved ones. According to the Department of Defense nearly 1 out of 4 fatalities in the military are noncombat related.

Stan and Shirley White of West Virginia represent one of the "Home of the Brave" families. Three of their four children have served in the armed forces. Two have died because of their time in war. On September 26, 2005, their son Robert, an Army Staff Sergeant, was killed in a rocket attack in Afghanistan. On February 12, 2008, their youngest son, 23 year-old Marine Corporal Andrew White died in his sleep after being treated for PTSD with lethal prescription drugs.

Struggling with PTSD compounded by grief over the death of his brother, Andrew sought help from VA doctors. Their first line of defense was to prescribe him 20 mg. of Paxil, 4 mg of Klonopin and 50 mg of Seroquel. These medications helped at first, but later proved ineffective. Instead of changing the course of treatment, the doctors responded by continually increasing his dosage until the Seroquel alone reached a whopping 1600 mg per day. Within weeks of Andrew's death, three more young West Virginia veterans died while being treated for PTSD with the same drugs, prompting Stan and Shirley White to begin a mission to find out what the deaths have in common.

"When we first learned of the other West Virginia soldiers who died in their sleep," Stan says. "We thought it must be a reaction to biological warfare, we thought they must have been exposed to something in Iraq and now it is killing them."

Indeed, if you conduct an internet search with the phrase "soldier found dead" the results are staggering. Narrow it down even further by including the phrase "unexplained" and you will begin to get a glimpse of what some would call an epidemic.

When the White's received Andrew's autopsy report, the official cause was listed as "accidental intoxication of Seroquel, Paxil, and pain medication." Andrew had not committed suicide, nor did he take his medication in a manner it was not prescribed. Death, as it turned out, is a potential side effect of Seroquel. The doctors and the pharmaceutical company knew that, however nobody told Andrew, despite the fact that he was experiencing many of Seroquel's most serious side effects.

In the 11-months Andrew was taking Seroquel, he gained 40 lbs., suffered from tremors, severe constipation and swelling of the mammary glands. Before his death, a VA doctor referred Andrew to an endocrinologist for tests to determine the cause of his symptoms, even though it is clearly stated in Seroquel's literature that all of this can be caused by using the drug.

Andrew passed away before the appointment.

Dr. Fred Baughman, a neurologist and outspoken critic on the use of anti-psychotic drugs has studied the West Virginia soldier deaths and has determined that "sudden cardiac death" is the cause. In a May 2010 press release, Dr. Baughman states:

"All were diagnosed with PTSD. All seemed "normal" when they went to bed. And, all were on Seroquel (an antipsychotic) Paxil (an antidepressant) and Klonopin (a benzodiazepine). They were not comatose and unarousable -- with pulse and respirations or pulse intact, responsive to CPR, surviving transport to a hospital, frequently surviving. These were sudden cardiac deaths."

Between the VA medical doctors and psychiatrists Andrew was going to for help, none tried to assess the effectiveness of these drugs on his PTSD symptoms. They just kept increasing the dosage as if he were a guinea pig in some twisted lab experiment. Whether sudden cardiac death, polypharmacy, or suicide, a prescription tracking system could be a major step toward preventing tragedy.

To that end, in March 2010, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia called on the Surgeons General from the Department of Defense to provide data regarding prescription drugs in the military. This vital information was never received despite repeated requests, so on June 9, 2010, Senator Webb released a public statement calling on the DOD to finally adhere to the request:

Three months ago in an Armed Services hearing, Army Surgeon General Schoomaker downplayed media reports of skyrocketing prescription drug use of those serving in the Army. I am still waiting to see existing data across services and a judgment of these findings.

Webb's statement went on to say:

A reporting requirement has been added to the FY 2011 National Defense Authorization Act requiring the DOD to keep health records that detail the prescription and administration of psychotropic medications.

There are many possible reasons why an avalanche of prescriptions are befalling our soldiers with no accountability even as those drugs kill. Financial gain by medical personnel of the DOD is one of the most serious allegations being examined and I will continue to follow this matter.

Let us hope the powers that be do not continue to stall and downplay the seriousness of this issue.

I shudder to think of how many more young, vibrant soldiers will die in their sleep in the meantime.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The truth, often hidden from us.


The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press'. The author (Dale Lindsborg) is employed by none other than the very liberal Washington Post!!

From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag.

General Bill Ginn' USAF (ret.) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171...During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It".

'Senator' Obama replied:

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides". "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American
flag is a symbol of oppression.." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing."

Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute
it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem
as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love.
It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance
to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of waring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a
state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments .."

When I become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".
"Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path... My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America "

WHAAAAAAAT, the **** is that!!!
Yes, you read it right.
I, for one, am speechless!!!
Dale Lindsborg , Washington Post