Creation Versus Evolution??
I don’t KNOW that God exists. I hope he does and if so that he is allot nicer than many religions make him out to be. Living forever is a nice thought and we all tend to believe what is comforting to us. I really don’t get the creationists though. As a former fundamentalist pastor with a theology degree, I have an insight to how they think. I have watched them on their television programs try to “Scientifically” prove the world and universe is 5,000 years old by parading a variety of “experts” in front of the camera. Common guys. The light from the stars we see took millions of years to get here. Lets see what else I heard. Oh!! Try this one. God just made everything old to start with…and the stratified layers of soil and rock are from the great flood…and, and, and I give up. The list is too long. I began to wonder if being stupid is a requirement to be a Christian.
So I offer up my own theory. Gods not in a hurry. Time means nothing when you always have been and always will be. Why not think of him as a gardener who threw out the worlds and tossed out some seeds like amino acids and DNA or whatever. Then he would come around every billion years or so and see what happened. Hell, he could have made the universe zillions and zillions of times. I know he’d have to do something to keep from being bored. I get bored with a long day much less with forever on my hands.
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